During this time where all of us are facing a magnificent change due to the worldwide pandemic that is going around, one of the advisers that has been given by medical practitioners and health organizations is to use the alcohol hand sanitizer. There are various reasons as to why people are advised to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers as opposed to other sanitizers. This is because these other sanitizers may not have the same capability to destroy and nature the viruses on surfaces as the alcohol-based sanitizers. In this article, we shall be discussing the importance of using these sanitizers and the factors to consider before buying alcohol-based sanitizers.

To use the isopropyl  alcohol-based sanitizers effectively you need to follow certain guidelines. These guidelines may be described as follows. Put two to three drops of the hand sanitizer onto your arm and make sure that it will be enough to cover every surface of your arm and hands. Once you have done this, rub your hands together so that the sanitizer touches every part of your hand including in between every finger the poems, and around the thumbs. Do not wipe it off with a towel or your clothes. Instead, wait for it to dry on its own. For it to dry efficiently do not disturb it or touch anything for around 2 minutes after you have already used the sanitizer.  

Several renowned companies manufacture effective hand sanitizers. However, other small companies manufacture these sanitizers to help people who cannot afford the expensive brands. To determine whether the sanitizer will be effective, she found the alcohol percentage of the sanitizer is above 70%. This will be important because any germs, all bacteria or viruses on the surface of your hands can be killed by only an alcohol percentage of 70% in hand sanitizers. For this reason, it is important to be careful to avoid purchasing hand sanitizers from fake brands that are doing fake advertisements.

To determine whether the company that you are buying from is a legit company that is certified to produce hand sanitizer by the relevant authority in your area, you can do a quick search on the internet to determine whether it is a company that exists. So, you can ask your friends and family whether they have heard of the company before and whether they have used the hand sanitizers before. This is important because sometimes you may be in a critical condition where the hand sanitizer is your only form of protection. This means if you have a fake sanitizer you are exposed to any disease-causing germs, viruses, and bacteria like any other person without a sanitizer. Read here for more information about hand sanitizers: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/16/us/distilleries-hand-sanitizer-coronavirus-trnd/index.html.